Clans must abide by all Rules and Policies set forth in the Terms of Use (TOU), End License User Agreement (EULA), and Game Policies found on the website. Use of any part of the Clan and Tournament system constitutes agreement to all terms and conditions set forth by K2 Network. Clan leaders are responsible for all members of the clan. K2 staff may take action against any clan(s) associated with any account(s) if the account is found in violation of War Rock rules and policies while engaged in activates related to the Clan and Tournament system.
Creating a Clan
Participating in an active War Rock clan gives you the opportunity to compete in exciting tournaments, play scheduled matches against other teams, and be part of a thriving competitive online community.
In order to create a clan, simply log into the War Rock Clan and Tournament System web page, and browse to the Registration Page. From there, a list of customizable options is supplied in order to create a clan with its own unique identity.
Purchasing the Clan Registration only allows the purchaser to create one clan, if the customer creates a clan and it is approved then customer disbands it or it is disbanded by staff for violation of the rules then the customer will be required to purchase another Clan Registration to create a new clan. Clan Registration does not allow the customer to create an unlimited number of clans. It is a one time use feature.
Note: Effective January 23, 2008. Players who want to register a clan will need to purchase Clan Registration from the Marketplace.
Clan Avatar
A Clan Avatar will be used to represent a clan in War Rock, and in the Clan Tournament System. To select a Clan Avatar, simply provide a web address to any JPEG image that is hosted on the internet. If the image is stored on a computer, it will need to be uploaded to a web site first. There are many websites where avatars can be uploaded; Imageshack provides free and easy image hosting. Clan Avatars must conform to the War Rock avatar policies found here.
Note: All Clan Avatars are automatically resized to 51x51 pixels
Some websites will not allow a image to be uploaded or cross linked to another website and this is why clan avatars show up as white boxes in the game. It is a form of copy protection and it is best to copy a image and then upload it to a file sharing website like Imageshack.
Clan Name
A clan name may be up to 25 characters, and may contain letters, numbers, standard symbols (+, -, (, ), etc). Using high ASCII symbols to represent English characters is not permitted. Clan names must conform to the War Rock Clan policies found here.
Clan Tag
A clan tag is used to refer to a clan within War Rock. Clan tags may be up to 5 characters, and may contain letters, numbers, standard symbols (+, -, (, ), etc). Using high ASCII symbols to represent English characters is not permitted. Clan tags must conform to the War Rock Clan policies found here.
Clan Back Story
This contains the clan's "story"; how it was founded, the type of players, and any other unique information the clan leader would like to share with the War Rock community. Many clan leaders include the details of what modes they like to play, their skill level, and their vision, but players are welcome to write whatever they wish, as long as the content is considered appropriate as per the War Rock policies found here.
The Clan Approval Process
To ensure that all participants receive a clean experience within our community, all clans must be approved by K2 Network before being allowed to participate within the system. After a request to create a clan is submitted, it is sent to a queue that is actively monitored by the Game Master staff at K2 Network. Clans that abide by the War Rock policies are generally approved within 24 hours. If the clan is not approved, a new request may be submitted once any necessary modifications have been made.
Note: For clan avatar, it may take more than 10 minutes to have the new changes displayed in-game.
Clan Management
If you are in a leadership position, you have the capability to make administrative changes to your clan, such as modifying the roster, posting clan announcements, creating scrim challenges, and signing up for tournaments.
Clan Messaging
Players can send private message to others. High ranking members can send message to everyone in the clan. To send a message, go to your profile, click on Player Messages. Then click on Compose to send message to other clan members.
Inviting New Members
To invite new members to your clan, click on 'Invite Player' on the Clan Management page, then type in the name of the member you wish to invite in the 'Invite Member' field. Once you click on 'Send Invitation', an invitation will be sent to their personal inbox within the Clan and Tournament System. If the player accepts, they will be added to the clan immediately. If they choose to decline the invitation, they will not be added to the clan.
Note: Only Clan Leaders, Chairmen, or Lieutenant’s can invite new members.
Banned Account
If an account is banned by PunkBuster or by K2 Staff, it will not be able to create a clan or be invited to a clan. If a Clan Leader is banned, the entire clan will be disbanded within 3 days under no condition.
Changing Member Ranks
Member ranks can be changed easily, by clicking on 'Edit Roster' on the Clan Management page. To change a member's rank, simply click on their name in the Roster, and drag it to the rank of your choice.
Note: In order to change member ranks, you will need to be the Clan Leader, a Chairman, or a Lieutenant.
Changing Clan Leadership
Clan leader now can appoint anyone in your clan to clan leader, with the exception that member has to be a premium user. Please talk to the member you wish to be your next clan leader first before making changes. To promote new clan leader, simply login as clan leader, go to My Clan, then click on New Leader, then follow the instructions.
Disband Clan
Only clan leader can disband a clan. To disband a clan, go to Profile, click Leave Clan, then follow the instructions.
Leave Clan
If you wish to leave your clan, go to Profile, click Leave Clan, then follow the instruction.
Updating your Clan Details
By clicking on 'Edit Clan Details', at the top of the Clan Management page, you can update the fields that contain your Clan Avatar, Clan Motto, and Clan Backstory. Once the changes are saved, they are sent to the K2 staff for approval to ensure that the content is free of copyrighted or vulgar material. Due to high demand, this process may take 24 hours or more.
Effectively now, you can only update your clan information under a maximum of 1 edit per month. Once your edit has been approve. It will take approximately 10-20 minutes for your avatar to be updated in-game.
Participating in Tournaments
As a member of the War Rock Clan and Tournament system, you have the ability to sign up for and participate in a diverse set of competitive gaming events.
Signing Up
To sign up for a new tournament, click on the 'Tournaments' link on the main Clan System page. From the 'Tournaments' page, you will see a list of open tournaments that still have space for more clans to participate. Clicking on a specific tournament will give you the opportunity to sign up.
Note: In order to join a tournament, you will need to be the Clan Leader, a Chairman, or a Lieutenant.
Your Match Schedule
The details of your next match will always be displayed on the front of your clan page, and contains crucial information such as your opponent, the date, and the time. Rescheduling Matches If you wish to request a new time for your next match to take place, simply click on the 'Propose New Time' button, which is located directly below the match details. In order for the new time to become official, a high-ranking member of the opposing team must approve the new schedule.
Note: In order to reschedule a match, you will need to be the Clan Leader, a Chairman, or a Lieutenant.
Withdrawing from a Tournament
To remove your clan from a Tournament, click on the tournament you wish to withdraw from, then click on 'View Details'. From there, you can click the 'Withdraw' button to leave the tournament.
Note: In order to leave a tournament, you will need to be the Clan Leader, a Chairman, or a Lieutenant.
Scrim Challenge
To challenge a clan to a scrimmage, go to clan page, click on Challenge which will take you to the scrim setup page.
Search for the clan you want to challenge, then click the clan name to select that clan. Follow instruction on screen to setup a match.
Once match request is accepted from your opponent, you need to confirm your match to activate in-game match. Additionally, players can exchange comments about match by clicking on Discuss Match link founder under match details.
Note: Please log in 20 minutes before schedule if you're scheduled for the match by your leader
Clan Search
To search for a clan, go to your clan page, then click on Clan Directory.
Finding Scrims
To search for clans that is accepting scrim challenge or is hosting open scrims, go to Clan Directory. Pull down the menu from Clan War, then select Accepting or Open Scrims.
Players Rankings
Players statistics are being update every night. Only players that have logged in to the clan page are eligible for displaying. Players are require to pass 10,000 kills to have display stats. Also, players need to have at least more than 10000 kills in order to be ranked.
Ranks are calculated based on Kill/Deaths Ratio.
Clan Rankings
Clans are eligible for ranks if they have at least 4 or more members.
Ranks are calculated based on rank points, one win = 0.2 points and one loss = -1.0 point.
Clan Recruitment
Clan Leaders will be allowed to actively recruit new members via the "Recruitment" button on the clan’s page. Once on the clan page, click recruitment button located over the roster. From there clan leader ship can open recruitment for the clan by checking the Open for Recruitment box. Leaders will be allowed to post a message that prospective new members will be able to read and reply to.
In order to join a clan, you must not be a member of any clan.
Joining a Clan
To join a clan, search for a clan from Clan Directory.
Go to the clan page and click on
This will take you to the recruitment section where you can request to join a clan.
In order to join a clan, you must not be a member of any clan.
Clan Calendar
Clan Calendar stores all active clan match schedules. To view your clan schedule click on Calendar
which can be found in the clan management page