The 2008 Clan Tournaments will be held simultaneously on both the US and EU clan servers (at different times) to prevent confusion with time differences. This means that a separate tournament will be held for the North America and EU regions.
Basic Functions:
Clans will be given 24 hours notice before sign-ups start There will be a 12 hour sign-up window Only clan leaders or chairmen may sign a clan up for a tournament Of the clans that sign up, some will be filtered out automatically by the clan system (criteria below, see Rules) K2 staff will hand pick the clans based on a review of criteria listed in rules The top clan will be invited to the Tournament of Champions - Clan Tournament in December
All War Rock rules from: the TOS, EULA, policies and clan policies are applicable to all tournaments held. New rules may be instated at any time during the duration of a tournament, or afterwards. Changes to rules and policy will be announced on and will be considered "affective immediately".
Criteria for being in a tournament:
Admin review of record. 0 banned accounts in any leadership position of the clan (including lieutenant). Clan has challenged in scrims and has world ranks. Clan must have at least 8 active members. No visible "power-ranking". Review of "Match Discussions".
Tournament Guidelines
Forfeits and no-shows will count as losses in clan tournaments.
Wins/Losses from Tournament matches are not counted toward clan records.
War Rock administrators will be spectating tournament matches, disputes over tournament results will be resolved by staff members. All decisions made by K2 staff are final.
If your clan is selected for the tournament, the highest ranking members in your clan are automatically selected for the match. If you wish to change the roster, you can do so via your clan calendar page.
Don't forget to take screenshots at any time during the match to post for future reference!